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  • SSandAR

    05/04/2010 | Now in the ARRL Bookstore: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio and ARRL’s PIC Programming for Beginners

    The ARRL is now taking orders for and shipping the two newest books in the ARRL Bookstore: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio by ARRL Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Mike Corey, 5MPC, and Victor Morris, AH6WX, and ARRL’s PIC Pr
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  • sunspot042210

    04/23/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    A Sun with no sunspots! The quiet Sun returned -- through Thursday, April 22, there have been eight days straight with no sunspots. A new spot began to emerge on Wednesday, but it quickly faded. For the next 10 days NOAA/USAF predict solar flux at 78, 78,
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  • QEX_MayJun2010

    04/22/2010 | QEX -- the May/June 2010 Issue

    The May/June issue of QEX is coming soon, and it is full of theoretical and practical technical articles that you won't want to miss. QEX is the ARRL’s “Forum for Communications Experimenters.” Published bimonthly, it features technical articles, columns
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  • W1AW

    04/14/2010 | Help Keep the W1AW Dream Alive

    W1AW. It is the most famous call sign in the century-long history of Amateur Radio. To hundreds of thousands of radio amateurs, W1AW is synonymous with Hiram Percy Maxim --the visionary who first recognized a need for a national network of Amateur Radio o
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  • UBE2e

    03/17/2010 | ARRL Introduces Understanding Basic Electronics, second edition

    ARRL's Understanding Basic Electronics, second edition -- your gateway into the exciting world of electricity and electronics -- is written in a friendly, easy-to-understand style that beginners and nontechnical readers will enjoy.
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  • FCC_Seal

    02/28/2010 | FCC Denies ARRL's Request for Declaratory Ruling

    In 2005, after the State of Florida adopted statutes aimed at pirate broadcasters and making it a felony to make a radio transmission without Commission authorization or to interfere with a licensed public or commercial radio station, the ARRL -- through
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  • K0DAS

    02/16/2010 | Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, Appointed Midwest Division Vice Director

    ARRL President, Kay Craigie, N3KN, has appointed Rod Blocksome, K0DAS, of Robins, Iowa, as the new Vice Director in the Midwest Division. The position became vacant when Midwest Division Director Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, was elected ARRL Vice President at the 2
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